You write the code,
we keep it running.

Deploy on serverless cloud in less than a minute, and get the freedom to run and manage your applications without worrying about infrastructure.

Are you ready for next-gen cloud and moving from DevOps to NoOps?

Merrymake is especially suited for


Connect different systems to transform data or enhance functionality.

Recurring tasks

Run tasks on a schedule, like once a minute, or last day of the month.

Batch processing

Parallelize to quickly process large amounts of data.

Fully managed

Less developer time wasted configuring and maintaining infrastructure.
Tools required to run software on cloud yourself
Merrymake is the only tool required for running software on cloud
Tools required to run software on Amazon Web Services cloud


Humans shouldn't wait for metal. Faster execution times means lower cost and better end-user experience.
Merrymake has significantly faster cold starts than Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud


Faster time-to-market

Faster time-to-market and incident recovery.

Experiment without risk

Experiment fast and risk-free - in production.

Flexible architecture

Easily split and recombine services, so you can avoid expensive and risky rewrites.

Faster incident recovery

Replay failed sessions in slow-motion.
Merrymake works well with

Many programming languages

.Net, Java, NodeJS, Python, PHP, Go, Ruby, Clojure, Rust, Scala.

Zero downtime deployment

Intelligent routing means you can update your software while it keeps running.

No single-point-of-failure

Redundancies ensure that the system can survive any foreseeable failure.

Secure by construction

Everything is sandboxed and communication is encrypted.

Enterprise-grade hardware

ISAE 3402 certified data centers and brand new servers.

99.9%+ Uptime

Outages are rare, brief, and communicated publicly.

Great support

Talk directly with the developers to resolve issues quickly.

Scale without quotas

Experience truly unlimited scale, as there are no quota limits.

Free network traffic

No more complicated ingress and egress calculations, our network traffic is free.
Learn more about the features and benefits